Thursday, March 1, 2012

Food Storage Fun

A couple weeks ago we came upon 60 pounds of vegetables for $10! Awesome Deal! Nellie was with me and she was determined to make Spaghetti Sauce. With 120 pounds of tomatoes on the table we enlisted the help of the internet, Casey, Mom, & Dad. We worked hard (me not so much) and blanched peeled and blended lots of tomatoes. We made lots of spaghetti sauce and each still had 20 pounds of tomatoes left.
Casey is really the domestic one in my house (don't tell I told on him) and decided to finish the rest of the tomatoes by doing stewed tomatoes. We ended up with 12 more quarts.
Last weekend the 60 pounds for $10 came again, but with cucumbers. Casey got the bottles, vinegar, salt and dill and we made 24 pints of dill pickles. I'm so excited to try them! We also planted our garden this weekend we really hope something grows from it so we can bottle lots more fun stuff!
Working together to do these projects has been a blast. I can't wait to see what we come up with next! It's fun learning new things and being a little self sufficient on the way.


  1. This makes me smile. :) I love it when my kids take hold of something that I love to do!!! I consider Casey one of my kids. I am glad you married him. He will always take care of you.

  2. I just tried sweet pickles this year and it was actually pretty easy. You will love all that food later!

  3. Wow $10?! How would you feel about mailing 60 lbs of tomatoes to, say, a cousin in need? Then again, it might look suspicious if it starts rotting and bleeding red liquid. Hmmmmm. I'll think on this one.

  4. Paige you are the queen, not only beautiful bottles but quality for low cost. I think you're wonderful!
