Saturday, January 21, 2012

Photography Fun

The new Young Womens Theme this year is from D&C 115:5

"Verily I say unto you all: aArise and shine forth, that thy blight may be a cstandard for the dnations;" 

We do a bulletin board of the theme in our room every year with the girls, and I thought it would be fun do do something special for the words "Arise and Shine Forth." So we set my camera on a long exposure (2-3 seconds) and the girls "wrote" the letters in the air with a flashlight.

If you want to try this, just make sure the room is dark, and the flashlight is facing the camera the entire time. And you must use a tripod, or set your camera on something stable.  Otherwise, it will be blurry since the exposure is so long.

Turned out pretty cool! The girls had a blast figuring it out. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so way cool!! You do such a great job with your photography. Once you understand light everything just gets better from there.
